Medical Malpractice Lawyers: Negligence & Misdiagnosis: Legal Chiefs

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Medical Malpractice

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Medical Malpractice

What Is Medical Malpractice

When a patient suffers harm under the care of a health care provider who failed to perform their duties competently, a medical malpractice case can be filed. There are different requirements and rules regarding what actions qualify as medical malpractice in the different states across America. For instance, some states require patients to notify a medical professional of their legal proceedings ahead of time, while other stipulations and principal rules may apply in certain medical malpractice cases.

Our mission at Legal Chiefs is to connect you with the most experienced and licensed medical malpractice lawyer from your state that is best suited for your specific case. As soon as you establish contact, your attorney will provide you with more details on the next steps of the process to your specific situation.

Common Types of Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

While there are many specific cases with medical malpractice, the causing factors may fall into one of the following 3 categories:

Failure to Diagnose

It all starts with the diagnosis. Misdiagnosing can lead to severe consequences for the patient’s chances of recovery—a common example allergy diagnosing a patient suffering from lung cancer. Cancer treatment is crucial and time-sensitive and patients not treated on time can lead to irreversible damage. This also leads to the next medical malpractice category, improper treatment.

Improper Treatment

As soon as a given treatment is proven to be improper, for example, when a doctor performs a treatment that no other doctor would reasonably provide, the patient can qualify to file a medical malpractice claim. However, there are cases when doctors choose the right treatment but fail to administer it properly, and these acts qualify as medical malpractice as well. In other words, improper treatment at any time during medical care qualifies as medical malpractice due to negligence.

Failing to Warn of Known Risks

Medical professionals are required to inform patients of all the known risks for any procedure or treatment. When a treatment results in harm to a patient and the patient would have refused the treatment had they known all the risks, they have the basis for filing a claim.

How a Medical Malpractice Lawyer Can Help

f you have suffered harm at the hands of a negligent healthcare provider, contacting a medical malpractice lawyer is definitely beneficial. Here at Legal Chiefs, we can get you in touch with the most qualified lawyer for your negligence or misdiagnosis case, regardless of your destination. There are many benefits of working with a professional an experienced attorney will:

Deal with insurance companies

 Handle the endless paperwork

Know the value of a claim

Negotiate the best settlement possible

Argue your case before a judge or jury

Avoid any mistakes an inexperienced individual could easily make

Speed up the process

Spare your time

Get extra help by connections and resources

Have an ally in your corner

Frequently Asked Questions

The easiest thing to do is ask for a second opinion. However, if you are not satisfied with a given treatment and have the slightest doubt of medical malpractice, contacting a lawyer is the right thing to do.

Any licensed professional providing medical services including doctors, nurse practitioners, hospital staff, lab and x-ray technicians, as well as a facility or entire company.

The level of care and skill that qualified medical workers are expected to provide for all patients with similar symptoms and circumstances.


In most cases, every time your doctors’ actions haven’t met your expected standard of care, you should be able to file a case. However, there are always exceptions, and hiring a professional medical malpractice lawyer is the safest bet.