Warning Signs That Your Lawyer May Not Be a Good Fit

Warning Signs Your Lawyer Might Not Be A Good Fit

People hire new lawyers every day for a multitude of reasons, and you could end up needing a lawyer at any time. However, not every law firm or attorney will fit your needs. Here are some red flags to look out for when working with a lawyer…

1. Lack of Availability

When you seek legal advice from a professional, you’ll want to ensure that they’re available to take on your case and provide you with the information you need. If they cannot take your calls, answer your emails, or give you the attention you seek, then chances are there is a problem, and they’re not a good fit for you. Some attorneys take on multiple cases at once and are extremely busy, which can leave you feeling neglected or unimportant.


2. Not Well Organized

A good lawyer is an organized lawyer. It’s even better if they also like to focus on minor details. A big warning sign that your lawyer isn’t a good fit for you is if you notice that they are not well organized. This can include having all kinds of files spread out everywhere, misplaced evidence, or simply overlooking the details of cases they’re working on.


3. Premature Promises

Chances are you want to win your case; however, if a lawyer makes a promise to win your case before you even conclude your first meeting, it’s a big warning sign that something’s not right. It’s likely that they just want you to sign a contract, which can lead to you being pressured into settling with terms you might not be comfortable with.


4. They Do Not Inform You of the Details

When it comes to your case, you need to know the details, even when seeking legal help. If you don’t know the details or what phase your case or claim is in, the chances are that your attorney is not doing their job properly. They should be keeping you in the loop every step of the way.


5. Advertising Cheap Rates

While everyone is looking for a bargain, especially when seeking legal advice. It’s not bad to work with an attorney or law firm that offers affordable legal services, but if they advertise cheap fees, they might be looking for more work. This can also indicate a poor reputation.


6. Negative Reviews

Online reviews are everywhere, and it’s best to look at them ahead of time. There might be false critiques of the firm, but there will likely be reviews from honest people that might have had bad experiences working with the firm or lawyer.


7. Lack of Communication

This one backs up #4. If you’re constantly calling and leaving messages or even emailing your attorney without getting a response, then there is likely a problem. It would be best if you found an attorney who will communicate with you effectively and timely.


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